Previous issues
- 06/02/2025 308 - Commission endorses positive preliminary assessment of Estonia's third payment request for €122.3 million under the Recovery and Resilience Facility
- 23/01/2025 307 - The second part of the European Semester Autumn Package addresses socio-economic challenges for 2025
- 21/11/2024 306 - Autumn 2024 Economic Forecast: A gradual rebound in an adverse environment
- 07/11/2024 305 - Commission disburses €799 million to Slovakia under the Recovery and Resilience Facility
- 24/10/2024 304 - Commission disburses the third payment of €257.6 million to Slovenia under the Recovery and Resilience Facility
- 10/10/2024 303 - The Recovery and Resilience Facility continues to deliver, Commission third annual report shows
- 19/09/2024 302 - Commission approves preliminary assessment of Greece's fourth payment request for €998.6 million in grants under the Recovery and Resilience Facility
- 26/07/2024 301 - Commission disburses €9.9 billion to Spain under the Recovery and Resilience Facility
- 04/07/2024 300 - European Semester Spring Package provides policy guidance to enhance the EU's competitiveness and resilience, and maintain sound public finances
- 13/06/2024 299 - Commission disburses third payment of €7.5 billion to France under the Recovery and Resilience Facility
- 17/05/2024 298 - Spring 2024 Economic Forecast: A gradual expansion amid high geopolitical risks
- 02/05/2024 297 - A new economic governance framework fit for the future enters into force
- 18/04/2024 296 - Commission proposes further €500 million in Macro-Financial Assistance to Jordan
- 04/04/2024 295 - InvestEU helps finance renewable energy supply for green ammonia production in Lithuania
- 14/03/2024 294 - Outcome of March 2024 Eurogroup meeting
- 29/02/2024 293 - Halfway through its lifetime, the Recovery and Resilience Facility continues to deliver across the EU through ambitious reforms and investments
- 15/02/2024 292 - Commission welcomes political agreement on a new economic governance framework fit for the future
- 01/02/2024 291 - InvestEU backs €209 million of financing for large-scale production of green steel with minimal carbon footprint in Sweden
- 18/01/2024 290 - InvestEU programme supports €392 million investment in Europe's first circular battery production gigafactory in Sweden
- 22/12/2023 289 - EU finance ministers reach a political agreement on the future fiscal policy framework
- 30/11/2023 288 - Commission sets out key priorities in the European Semester for the year ahead to strengthen EU competitiveness
- 16/11/2023 287 - Autumn 2023 Economic Forecast: A modest recovery ahead after a challenging year
- 26/10/2023 286 - European Commission provides €1.5 billion in additional aid to Ukraine
- 12/10/2023 285 - Commission disburses third payment of €18.5 billion to Italy under the Recovery and Resilience Facility
- 28/09/2023 284 - NextGenerationEU: Implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility firmly underway
- 14/09/2023 283 - Summer 2023 Economic Forecast: Easing growth momentum amid declining inflation and robust labour market
- 20/07/2023 282 - The EU's Voluntary Review reaffirms commitment to delivering the Sustainable Development Goals at home and around the world
- 06/07/2023 281 - Single Currency Package: new proposals to support the use of cash and to propose a framework for a digital euro
- 14/06/2023 280 - Ukraine: Commission proposes to set up a dedicated Facility to support Ukraine's recovery, reconstruction and modernisation
- /08/06/2023 279 - Protecting jobs and workers: Final report confirms SURE was crucial in mitigating impact of pandemic and supporting recovery
- 25/05/2023 278 - Spring 2023 Economic Forecast: An improved outlook amid persistent challenges
- 05/05/2023 277 - Commission proposes new economic governance rules fit for the future
- 20/04/2023 276 - Register for the Brussels Economic Forum
- 30/03/2023 275 - Commission pays a further €1.5 billion in macro-financial assistance to Ukraine
- 16/03/2023 274 - Fiscal policy guidance for 2024: Promoting debt sustainability and sustainable and inclusive growth
- 02/03/2023 273 - NextGenerationEU: Two years on since its adoption, the Recovery and Resilience Facility continues to be a central driver of the EU's green and digital transformation
- 16/02/2023 272 - Winter 2023 Economic Forecast: EU economy set to avoid recession, but headwinds persist
- 03/02/2023 271 - The Green Deal Industrial Plan: putting Europe's net-zero industry in the lead
- 12/01/2023 270 - Croatia joins the euro area
- 08/12/2022 269 - Commission finds that Hungary has not progressed enough in its reforms and must meet essential milestones for its Recovery and Resilience funds
- 24/11/2022 268 - Economic policy coordination: Commission sets out guidance to help tackle the energy crisis and make Europe greener and more digital
- 14/11/2022 267 - Building an economic governance framework fit for the challenges ahead
- 21/10/2022 266 - Commission disburses further €2 billion in exceptional macro-financial assistance to Ukraine
- 07/10/2022 265 - NextGenerationEU: European Commission endorses positive preliminary assessment of Italy's request for €21 billion disbursement under the Recovery and Resilience Facility
- 22/09/2022 264 - Economy and finance ministers review macroeconomic developments, fiscal sustainability and tax harmonisation
- 09/09/2022 263 - European Commission proposes second €5 billion tranche of macro-financial assistance to Ukraine
- 14/07/2022 262 - Council adopts legal acts enabling Croatian euro introduction on 1 January 2023
- 01/07/2022 261 - EU leaders endorse Commission proposal that Croatia adopt euro
- 20/06/2022 260 - Eurogroup recommends Croatia become 20th member of the euro area
- 02/06/2022 259 - Convergence Report reviews Member States' preparedness to join the euro area and paves the way for Croatia's euro adoption on 1 January 2023
- 19/05/2022 258 - Spring 2022 Economic Forecast: Russian invasion tests EU economic resilience
- 05/05/2022 257 - Eurogroup focuses on plan to complete banking union; ECOFIN reviews Bulgarian and Swedish recovery and resilience plans
- 13/04/2022 256 - Economy and finance ministers review impact of Ukraine war on European economies
- 31/03/2022 255 - EU leaders adopt conclusions on Russian military aggression, security, energy, economy, COVID-19 and external relations
- 03/03/2022 253 - NextGenerationEU: First annual report on the Recovery and Resilience Facility finds implementation is well underway
- 11/02/2022 252 - Winter 2022 Economic Forecast: Growth expected to regain traction after winter slowdown
- 27/01/2022 251 - NextGenerationEU: European Commission endorses positive preliminary assessment of France's request for €7.4 billion disbursement under the Recovery and Resilience Facility
- 14/01/2022 250 - 20 years of the euro in your pocket
- 22/12/2021 249 - NextGenerationEU: European Commission launches Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard
- 09/12/2021 248 - NextGenerationEU: Commission adopts positive preliminary assessment of Spain's request for €10 billion disbursement under Recovery and Resilience Facility
- 25/11/2021 247 - European Semester Autumn Package: rebounding stronger from the crisis and making Europe greener and more digital
- 11/11/2021 246 - Autumn 2021 Economic Forecast: From recovery to expansion, amid headwinds
- 28/10/2021 245 - Commission relaunches the review of EU economic governance
- 14/10/2021 244 - EU Sustainable Investment Summit: President von der Leyen calls on global partners to set global standards and support sustainable investment
- 30/09/2021 243 - NextGenerationEU: European Commission endorses Maltese and Romanian recovery and resilience plans
- 16/09/2021 242 - State of the Union: Charting the course for the year ahead
- 22/07/2021 241 - NextGenerationEU: European Commission endorses recovery and resilience plans of four more Member States
- 08/07/2021 240 - Summer 2021 Economic Forecast: Reopening fuels recovery
- 24/06/2021 239 - NextGenerationEU: European Commission endorses first recovery and resilience plans of twelve Member States
- 03/06/2021 238 - European Semester Spring Package: Paving the way for a strong and sustainable recovery
- 20/05/2021 237 - Spring 2021 Economic Forecast: Rolling up sleeves
- 29/04/2021 236 - President Ursula von der Leyen welcomes first official plans as Member States begin submitting their recovery and resilience plans
- 19/04/2021 Special ECFIN E-news about InvestEU
- 15/04/2021 235 - Euro Summit: leaders support strengthening position of euro on the global stage, need for a robust, inclusive and sustainable recovery
- 25/03/2021 234 - Eurogroup agrees on need to maintain supportive budgetary stance, examines impact of pandemic on euro area economic sectors
- 11/03/2021 233 - Commission presents updated approach to fiscal policy response to coronavirus pandemic
- 25/02/2021 232 - Eurogroup reviews macroeconomic situation and policy prospects in view of economic and pandemic developments
- 11/02/2021 231 - Winter 2021 Economic Forecast: A challenging winter, but light at the end of the tunnel
- 21/01/2021 230 - Eurogroup discusses macroeconomic imbalances in the euro area in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis
- 17/12/2020 229 - EU Leaders reach agreement on long-term EU budget and Next Generation EU coronavirus recovery package
- 03/12/2020 228 - Banking Union advances as Eurogroup agrees to proceed with reform of ESM including common backstop
- 20/11/2020 Special e-news about DG ECFIN's Annual Research Conference 2020
- 19/11/2020 227 - European Semester Autumn Package: Supporting a sustainable and inclusive recovery amid high uncertainty
- 05/11/2020 226 - Autumn 2020 Economic Forecast: Rebound interrupted as resurgence of pandemic deepens uncertainty
- 15/10/2020 225 - European Commission to issue EU SURE bonds of up to €100 billion as social bonds, adopts Social Bond Framework
- 01/10/2020 224 - Commission welcomes decisions to provide €87.4 billion in financial support to 16 Member States under SURE
- 17/09/2020 223 - State of the Union 2020: Building the world we want to live in – A Union of vitality in a world of fragility
- 14/07/2020 222 - Commission welcomes Bulgaria and Croatia's entry into the Exchange Rate Mechanism II
- 18/06/2020 221 - Eurogroup meeting marks new phase in crisis response as ministers consider possible euro area dimension to recovery facility
- 04/06/2020 220 - Europe's moment: Repair and prepare for the next generation
- 20/05/2020 219 - European Semester Spring Package: Recommendations for a coordinated response to the coronavirus pandemic
- 07/05/2020 218 - Spring 2020 Economic Forecast: A deep and uneven recession, an uncertain recovery
- 24/04/2020 217 - EU leaders approve €540 billion package of safety nets and task Commission with developing proposal for Recovery Fund
- 08/04/2020 216 - Coronavirus: Commission announces SURE proposal and mobilises all of its resources to protect lives and livelihoods
- 27/03/2020 215 - Coronavirus: Commission proposes to activate fiscal framework's general escape clause to respond to pandemic, Member States agree
- 12/03/2020 214 - Coronavirus crisis: “Commission will use all the tools at its disposal to make sure the European economy weathers the storm”
- 27/02/2020 213 - Winter Package puts competitive sustainability at the heart of the European Semester
- 13/02/2020 212 - Winter 2020 Economic Forecast: Offsetting forces confirm subdued growth
- 30/01/2020 211 - Finance ministers examine Portugal draft budgetary plan, exchange views on EMU deepening and review IMF interim mission findings
- 16/01/2020 210 - Financing the green transition: The European Green Deal Investment Plan and Just Transition Mechanism
- 19/12/2019 209 - European Green Deal to make Europe first climate-neutral continent by 2050, boosting economy and improving health and quality of life
- 05/12/2019 208 - New Commission of Ursula von der Leyen begins
- 21/11/2019 207 - Autumn Fiscal Package: Commission adopts Opinions on euro area Draft Budgetary Plans
- 07/11/2019 206 - Autumn 2019 Economic Forecast: A challenging road ahead
- 24/10/2019 205 - Juncker Plan has made major impact on EU jobs and growth
- 10/10/2019 204 - Paolo Gentiloni and Valdis Dombrovskis win approval of European Parliament as Commissioners-designate
- 26/09/2019 203 - Finance ministers discuss efficiency of public investment, outcome of G7 finance ministers’ meeting and deepening EMU
- 12/09/2019 202 - The von der Leyen Commission: for a Union that strives for more
- 11/07/2019 201 - European Council agrees on nominations for top EU jobs; new composition for ECON Committee
- 27/06/2019 200 - EU leaders discuss progress on EMU, European Semester country-specific recommendations, and EU budget; adopt strategic agenda
- 25/06/2019 Special e-news about Brussels Economic Forum 2019
- 06/06/2019 199 - European Semester 2019 Spring Package: Commission issues recommendations for Member States to advance sustainable and inclusive economic growth
- 23/05/2019 198 - Eurogroup reviews euro area economic situation; discusses revenue aspects and features of budgetary instrument
- 08/05/2019 197 - Spring 2019 Economic Forecast: Growth continues at a more moderate pace
- 11/04/2019 196 - Finance ministers review Greece’s reform progress, Banking Union, and discuss budgetary instrument for EMU deepening
- 28/03/2019 195 - EU leaders agree on Brexit extension and ways to strengthen the EU’s economic base
- 15/03/2019 194 - Eurogroup reviews Greece surveillance, housing markets, Latvia draft budgetary plan and budgetary instrument for EMU deepening
- 28/02/2019 193 - European Semester Winter Package: assessing Member States' progress on economic and social priorities
- 14/02/2019 192 - Winter 2019 Economic Forecast: growth moderates amid global uncertainties
- 31/01/2019 191 Eurogroup discusses European Semester recommendations, enhancing euro’s global role and deepening EMU
- 17/01/2019 190 Euro celebrates its 20th birthday
- 20/12/2018 189 European Semester Autumn Package: Bolstering inclusive and sustainable growth
- 06/12/2019 188 Commission presents ways to further strengthen the euro's global role
- 22/11/2018 187 European Semester Autumn Package: Bolstering inclusive and sustainable growth
- 08/11/2018 186 Autumn 2018 Economic Forecast: sustained but less dynamic growth amid high uncertainty
- 26/10/2018 185 European Commission requests that Italy present a revised draft budgetary plan for 2019
- 11/10/2018 184 Eurogroup discusses reform of the European Stability Mechanism and how to enhance automatic stabilisers
- 27/09/2018 183 Commission urges Member States to move forward on Value-Added Tax system
- 13/09/2018 182 State of the Union 2018: Deepening Economic and Monetary Union and strengthening the international role of the euro
- 16/07/2018 181 European Council: EU leaders agree to ESM backstop and to move forward with completion of Banking Union
- 28/06/2018 180 Eurogroup agrees on elements for Greece's successful exit from stability support programme in August
- 11/06/2018 179 EU Budget: the Commission presents proposals to deepen the Economic and Monetary Union and to boost investments, jobs and innovation across Europe
- 07/06/2018 Special e-news about Brussels Economic Forum 2018
- 24/05/2018 178 - European Semester 2018 Spring Package: Commission issues recommendations for Member States to achieve sustainable, inclusive and long-term growth
- 03/05/2018 177 - EU budget: Commission proposal to boost investments across Europe and support convergence and stability in the euro area
- 19/04/2018 176 - VentureEU to provide EUR 2.1 billion to boost venture capital investment in Europe's innovative start-ups
- 05/04/2018 175 - European leaders discuss EMU reforms, reaffirm commitment to multilateral trade and call for permanent exemption from tariffs
- 15/03/2018 174 - European Semester Winter Package: reviewing Member States' progress on their economic and social priorities
- 01/03/2018 173 - Eurogroup: Greece fulfils vast majority of 110 prior actions under third review of economic adjustment programme
- 15/02/2018 172 - Winter 2018 Interim Economic Forecast: A solid and lasting expansion
- 01/02/2018 171 - Eurogroup reaches political agreement on third review of Greece’s economic adjustment programme
- 18/01/2018 170 - Mário Centeno starts mandate as Eurogroup President
- 20/12/2017 169 - EU leaders poised to make rapid progress on Banking Union and transformation of ESM in 2018
- 07/12/2017 168 - Commission sets out Roadmap for deepening Europe's Economic and Monetary Union
- 23/11/2017 167 - European Semester Autumn Package: Striving for sustainable and inclusive growth
- 09/11/2017 166 - Autumn 2017 Economic Forecast: continued growth in a changing policy context
- 26/10/2017 165 - EU leaders reaffirm commitment to implementing Digital Europe
- 12/10/2017 164 - Euro area finance ministers examine future of ESM within EMU; EU finance ministers adopt directive to resolve double taxation disputes
- 28/09/2017 163 - Euro area finance ministers explore ways to increase economic resilience in the EMU
- 14/09/2017 162 - State of the Union 2017: Catching the wind in our sails
- 06/07/2017 161 - Reflection paper examines the future of EU finances in a financially constrained environment
- 22/06/2017 160 - Euro area finance ministers finalise discussion on second review of Greece’s macroeconomic adjustment programme
- 08/06/2017 159 - Reflection Paper: Commission sets out possible ways forward for the deepening of Europe's Economic and Monetary Union
- 02/06/2017 Special e-news about Brussels Economic Forum 2017
- 24/05/2017 158 - European Semester 2017 Spring Package: country-specific recommendations call on Member States to strengthen fundamentals
- 11/05/2017 157 - Spring 2017 Economic Forecast: steady growth ahead
- 27/04/2017 156 - Commission launches the reflection on the social dimension of Europe by 2025
- 12/04/2017 155 - Commission to publish reflection papers on EMU and the social dimension of Europe; aims to complete EMU by 2025
- 30/03/2017 154 - Rome Declaration of the Leaders of 27 Member States and of the European Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission
- 16/03/2017 153 - EU leaders find that economic reforms are bearing fruit; call for rapid progress on multiple fronts
- 03/03/2017 152 - Commission presents White Paper on the future of Europe: Avenues for unity for the EU at 27
- 16/02/2017 151 - Winter 2017 Economic Forecast: While navigating choppy waters all EU Member State economies set to grow through 2018
- 02/02/2017 150 - EU finance ministers welcome conclusions of 2017 Alert Mechanism Report and Annual Growth Survey
- 19/01/2017 149 - As Maltese Presidency begins, Commission proactively pursuing 2017 Work Programme
- 09/12/2016 148 - Investment Plan for Europe: evaluations give evidence to support its reinforcement
- 25/11/2016 147 - European Semester Autumn Package: Working for a stronger and more inclusive economic recovery
- 10/11/2016 146 - Autumn 2016 Economic Forecast: Modest growth in challenging times
- 27/10/2016 145 - EU leaders ready for new European Fund for Strategic Investments proposal
- 13/10/2016 144 - Cyprus post-programme surveillance mission finds reforms bearing fruit but reform momentum needs to be restored
- 29/09/2016 143 - Council calls on euro area Member States to establish national productivity boards
- 15/09/2016 142 - State of the Union Address 2016: Towards a better Europe - a Europe that protects, empowers and defends
- 08/07/2016 141 - Stability and Growth Pact: update on the fiscal situation of Spain and Portugal
- 23/06/2016 140 - Council approves country-specific recommendations; closes excessive deficit procedures for Cyprus, Ireland and Slovenia
- 10/06/2016 Special ECFIN e-news - Highlights of the Brussels Economic Forum 2016
- 02/06/2016 139 - Investment Plan for Europe: European Fund for Strategic Investments to be extended following successful first year
- 19/05/2016 138 - Spring 2016 European Semester package: Commission sees progress with reforms but also need to consolidate Europe's recovery
- 04/05/2016 137 - Spring 2016 Economic Forecast: Staying the course amid high risks
- 27/04/2016 136 - Spain: Post-Programme Surveillance mission concludes that economy remains on track and financial sector more stable
- 07/04/2016 135 - Cyprus exits its financial assistance programme; macroeconomic imbalances remain to be tackled
- 17/03/2016 134 - European Semester 2016: fewer Member States have economic imbalances than a year ago
- 03/03/2016 133 - European Semester 2016: Commission publishes Country Reports
- 11/02/2016 132 - Winter 2016 Economic Forecast: Weathering new challenges
- 29/01/2016 131 - Fair Taxation: Commission presents new measures against corporate tax avoidance
- 14/01/2016 130 - Banking Union: Single Resolution Mechanism comes into effect
- 10/12/2015 129 - EU finance ministers discuss Annual Growth Survey priorities, adopt measures to prevent corporate tax avoidance
- 27/11/2015 128 - Annual Growth Survey calls for strengthening the recovery and fostering convergence
- 13/11/2015 127 - Autumn 2015 forecast: Moderate recovery despite challenges
- 29/10/2015 126 - Commission takes concrete steps to strengthen EMU
- 16/10/2015 125 - EU leaders discuss report on Europe's Economic and Monetary Union
- 01/10/2015 124 - Capital Markets Union: an EU Action Plan to boost business funding and investment financing
- 17/09/2015 123 - State of the Union: President Juncker stresses investment for jobs and growth and completing EMU
- 16/07/2015 122 - Eurogroup finance ministers preparing formal launch of negotiations on support programme for Greece
- 02/07/2015 121 - Five Presidents’ Report sets out plan for strengthening Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union
- 18/06/2015 120 - Commission presents action plan for fair and efficient corporate taxation in the EU
- 04/06/2015 119 - EU legislators conclude negotiations, European Fund for Strategic Investments to be operational by autumn
- 22/05/2015 118 - Country-specific recommendations 2015: Further efforts needed to support a robust recovery
- 08/05/2015 117 - Spring 2015 Economic Forecast: Tailwinds support the recovery
- 23/04/2015 116 - In support of Ukraine and Georgia, Commission disburses EUR 260 million in Macro-Financial Assistance
- 20/03/2015 115 - EU leaders endorse plans for investment, structural reforms and fiscal responsibility; Greece scheduled to submit reform plan
- 05/03/2015 114 - European Semester: Commission keeps focus on fiscal responsibility, structural reforms and investment
- 20/02/2015 113 - Investment Plan: Green light for SME financing before the summer
- 06/02/2015 112 - Winter Economic Forecast: outlook improved but risks remain
- 16/01/2015 111 - Smooth euro changeover in Lithuania
- 12/12/2014 110 - EU Finance ministers support Commission's investment plan, approve measures against tax fraud and tax evasion
- 28/11/2014 109 - EU announces details of EUR 315 billion investment plan
- 06/11/2014 108 - 2014 Autumn Economic forecast: Slow recovery with very low inflation
- 27/10/2014 107 - European leaders support incoming Commission’s investment plans; highlight need to implement agreed initiatives for jobs, growth and competitiveness
- 10/10/2014 106 - European Parliament conducts hearings of candidates for the Juncker Commission
- 25/09/2014 105 - At informal Milan meeting, EU finance ministers reaffirm commitment to structural reforms
- 12/09/2014 104 - European leaders step-up efforts to boost EU economy
- 24/07/2014 103 - Council gives green light for Lithuania to adopt the euro on 1 January 2015
- 10/07/2014 102 - Commission meets Italian government as Italy takes over Council Presidency
- 30/06/2014 101 - European Council endorses country-specific recommendations to conclude the 2014 European Semester
- 06/06/2014 100 - Commission adopts Country-Specific Recommendations for 26 Member States to spur sustainable growth and employment
- 11/06/2014 Special issue Brussels Economic Forum 2014
- 23/05/2014 99 - Review mission finds Cyprus’s economic programme on track but challenges remain
- 08/05/2014 98 - Spring 2014 economic forecast: Growth becoming broader-based
- 10/04/2014 97 - Eurogroup welcomes conclusions of Greek review mission; gives green light for approval of EUR 8.3 billion
- 27/03/2014 96 - European Parliament and Council back Commission's SRM proposal: a major step towards completing the banking union
- 14/03/2014 95 - Commission concludes in-depth reviews to identify macroeconomic imbalances and assesses fiscal consolidation
- 25/02/2014 94 - Winter 2014 forecast: recovery gaining ground
- 13/02/2014 93 - Third review mission: Cyprus’ economic programme on track
- 30/01/2014 92 - Spain’s financial sector programme draws to a successful conclusion
- 16/01/2014 91 - Latvia achieves smooth euro changeover to become 18th euro area country
- 13/12/2013 90 - Euro area finance ministers commend Ireland for its successful completion of adjustment programme; endorse 12th and final review report
- 28/11/2013 89 - Eurogroup welcomes Commission assessment of draft budgetary plans
- 15/11/2013 88 - Commission assesses Draft Budgetary Plans; notes progress and further needs in its 2014 Alert Mechanism Report
- 05/11/2013 87 - Autumn 2013 economic forecast: Gradual recovery, external risks
- 17/10/2013 86 - EU finance ministers discuss lessons learnt from European Semester monitoring and adopt the Single Supervisory Mechanism
- 04/10/2013 85 - Review mission to Portugal completed; programme remains broadly on track
- 19/09/2013 84 - Barroso on the State of the Union: EU efforts bear fruit but still work to be done
- 25/07/2013 83 - Review mission sees Ireland’s programme on track; market financing needs reduced
- 12/07/2013 82 - Green light for Latvia to adopt the euro on 1 January 2014
- 02/07/2013 81 - European Council concludes European Semester
- 21/06/2013 Special issue - BEF 2013. Fruitful debates on the way towards a more robust EMU
- 13/06/2013 80 - Commission Convergence Report concludes Latvia ready to adopt euro on 1 January 2014
- 30/05/2013 79 - Commission issues annual country specific policy recommendations to move Europe beyond the crisis
- 16/05/2013 78 - Tenth review mission completed; Ireland’s adjustment programme remains on track
- 03/05/2013 77 - Spring forecast: EU economy slowly recovering from a protracted recession
- 25/04/2013 76 - Review mission concludes Greek adjustment programme on track, return to growth expected in 2014
- 11/04/2013 75 - Commission concludes in-depth reviews of macroeconomic imbalances in 13 Member States
- 27/03/2013 74 - Strengthening economic policy coordination and integration in the euro area: Commission proposes additional concrete steps
- 14/03/2013 73 - Latvia formally asks to join euro from 2014
- 28/02/2013 72 - Winter forecast 2013: EU economy gradually overcoming headwinds
- 14/02/2013 71- European leaders reach agreement on EUR 960 billion multiannual EU budget
- 31/01/2013 70 - Barroso and Rehn speak at European Parliament debate on European Semester
- 18/01/2013 69 - President Barroso welcomes priorities for Ireland’s EU presidency
- 20/12/2012 68 - European Council agrees on roadmap for deepened and reinforced Economic and Monetary Union
- 06/12/2012 67 - Commission presents Blueprint for deep and genuine Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
- 22/11/2012 66 - Portugal’s sixth quarterly review concludes: economic programme broadly on track
- 08/11/2012 65 - Commission autumn forecast 2012-14: sailing through rough waters
- 25/10/2012 64 - European leaders agree timetable for the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM)
- 11/10/2012 63 - Eurogroup President Juncker welcomes entry into force of ESM Treaty
- 27/09/2012 62 - Eurogroup welcomes Troika conclusion that Portugal’s adjustment programme is on track
- 13/09/2012 61 - Commission proposes new ECB powers for banking supervision as part of a banking union
- 20/07/2012 60 - Eurogroup finance ministers endorse financial assistance to recapitalise Spanish financial institutions
- 06/07/2012 59 - European summit supports the possibility of direct recapitalisation of banks by the ESM once a single bank supervisory mechanism is established
- 21/06/2012 58 - Commission to propose conditionality for Spanish financial sector
- 07/06/2012 ECFIN e-news 57 - Commission sets out the next steps for stability, growth and jobs
- 01/06/2012 Special issue – 13th Brussels Economic Forum. An intensive examination of growth strategies
- 16/05/2012 56 - European economic forecast – spring 2012: slow recovery in sight
- 03/05/2012 55 - Commission draft budget for 2013 to stimulate growth and jobs while holding the line on expenditure
- 19/04/2012 54 - Commission highlights priority actions for Greece to unlock growth and create jobs
- 29/03/2012 53 - Greece gets first payment out of second adjustment programme