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Economy and Finance

Luxembourg’s National productivity board, the Conseil national de la productivité (CNP), was created by a grand ducal decree of September 2018. It was established under the authority of the minister in charge of the economy. Its institutional set-up builds on three existing national bodies:

  • Given its expertise and experience in this area, the Observatory for Competitiveness contributes to the work of the CNP and provides secretariat support.
  • The National Institute of statistics and economic studies (STATEC) ensures appropriate access to statistical data and provides pertinent analyses and studies.
  • Social partners are involved through the Economic and Social Council, the permanent consultative institution of the government concerning economic and social policy.

The CNP is in charge analysing Luxembourg’s productivity in a comprehensive way. Its analyses are based on transparent and comparable indicators, address long-term drivers and enablers of productivity, and consider national specificities, as well as aspects related to the European Union. Its scope also includes corresponding economic, social and environmental issues.

The CNP has functional autonomy and professional independence to carry out its work in an objective, neutral and impartial way and to produce analyses made in the general interest. The analyses are published by the CNP in an annual report.

The CNP’s annual report is transmitted to the Economic and Social Council to seek an expert’s opinion from social partners. This arrangement helps to ensure the active engagement of national stakeholders on productivity issues and to stimulate public debate on the issues.

The CNP’s annual report and the corresponding statement issued by the Economic and Social Council are published and notified to the European Commission.

Annual productivity reports

  • 16 JANUARY 2024
  • 15 DECEMBER 2022
2021-2022 Annual report
  • 11 JUNE 2020
Luxembourg’s productivity puzzle: High level, sluggish growth!
  • 21 DECEMBER 2021
Pandémie et Productivité