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The coin commemorates an important milestone in Maltese aviation history - the 100 years since the first flight from Malta. It was on 13 February 1915 that Captain Kilmer took off from the Grand Harbour on a seaplane that was carried by HMS Ark Royal. The plane landed in the harbour after a 55-minute flight. The coin depicts Captain Kilmer’s seaplane with Senglea Point, a prominent feature in the Grand Harbour, in the background. At the top the inscription "FIRST FLIGHT FROM MALTA" in semi-circle. At the right the years "1915-2015". At the bottom left the inscription "100TH ANNIVERSARY" and at the bottom the initials of the designer "NGB" (Noel Galea Bason).

Subject of commemoration

First flight from Malta

Date of issue


Issuing country


Coin image

First flight from Malta coin

Official Journal

C 143 30.04.2015

Issuing volume