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Economy and Finance

Taking care of our seniors


The subject of the coin “CUIDEM LA NOSTRA GENT GRAN” (taking care of our seniors) is symbolized by the image of the hand of a young person holding another hand that shows all the signs of aging, with a stethoscope below them. The name of the issuing country “ANDORRA” encircling several reproductions of the SARS-CoV-2 virus represents the State’s commitment to preventing its spread and caring for its citizens. The design also shows the date of issue “2021”. The coin’s outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.

Subject of commemoration

Taking care of our seniors

Date of issue

November 2021

Issuing country


Coin image

Taking care of our seniors

Official Journal

2021/C 470/06

Issuing volume

70 000 coins