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ECFIN's Annual Research Conference 2018: The productivity challenge: jobs and incomes in the dawning era of intelligent robots

The conference is a one-day event with an audience of about 80-100 invited participants from research and policy-making circles

At DG ECFIN's Annual Research Conference held on 19 November, about 100 participants from research and policy-making circles discussed the theme: "The productivity challenge: jobs and incomes in the dawning era of intelligent robots".

  • economic policy | financing policy | Economic and Monetary Union | euro
  • Monday 19 November 2018, 08:45 - 17:45 (CET)
  • Belgium
  • Live streaming available


  1. 19 Nov 2018, 08:45 - 09:00 (CET)

    Welcome and introduction: Marco Buti (DG ECFIN)

  2. 09:00 - 10:30 (CET)

    Distinguished ECFIN Lecture: Joel Mokyr (Northwestern University)Knowledge, Institutions and the Origins of the Great Enrichment

  3. 10:30 - 11:00 (CET)

    Coffee break

  4. 11:00 - 12:30 (CET)

    Session I: Trends and drivers of productivity growth

    • Bart Van Ark et al., The Conference Board and University of Groningen Productivity and growth in the midst of the digital transformation age: current observations in a long-term perspective
    • Sandra Leitner and Robert Stehrer, WIIW Vienna The automatisation challenge meets the demographic challenge
    • Reinhilde Veugelers, KULeuven; BruegelTrends at the frontier in corporate R&D: facts, prospects and policies
  5. 12:30 - 14:00 (CET)

    Lunch break

  6. 14:00 - 14:15 (CET)

    Keynote Address: Pierre Moscovici (European Commission), tbc

  7. 14:15 - 15:45 (CET)

    Session II: The economics of digitalised and robotised economies

    • Eric J. Bartelsman, Vrije Universiteit, AmsterdamUnderstanding production technology
    • Jens Suedekum, DICE DüsseldorfRobots and the income distribution
    • Georg Graetz, University of UppsalaIndividual and policy adjustments to occupational decline
  8. 15:45 - 16:15 (CET)

    Coffee break

  9. 16:15 - 17:45 (CET)

    Session III: Productivity and the regional cohesion challenge

    • Kurt Huebner, University of British Columbia, VancouverTFP and the quality of social institutions: institutional complementarities as key drivers of balanced innovation
    • Andrés Rodriguez-Pose, London School of EconomicsThe productivity challenge for European regions

Practical information

Monday 19 November 2018, 08:45 - 17:45 (CET)
Berlaymont Building
Berlaymont Building, Room Schuman, Belgium
