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Economy and Finance
Press release28 March 2022Brussels1 min read

Commission presents report on results of public survey on the EU's economic governance framework

The European Commission has today published a report summarising the results of the online public survey on the future of the EU's economic governance framework. The survey is an important element of the wider debate on the EU's economic governance framework which was relaunched in October 2021. The survey closed on 31 December 2021 and received 225 valid contributions from respondents in 25 different countries, including 21 EU Member States and four third countries. The analysis of the replies indicates that many respondents are of the view that that fiscal policy should become more growth-friendly, mindful of social issues, and support the policy priorities for the twin green and digital transition. Most respondents acknowledge that debt sustainability should remain a central objective of the EU fiscal rules, while the adjustment path towards lower government debt should be realistic and gradual. Many respondents stress the need to incentivise investment as a necessary feature of the economic governance framework. Green investment is identified as deserving special attention due to the global climate challenge. Survey participants also call for simplification and stronger national ownership of the fiscal rules. A good number of respondents viewed the Recovery and Resilience Facility at the heart of NextGenerationEU as a good inspiration for the future governance framework in terms of fostering national ownership and promoting reforms through positive incentives. Based on the outcomes of the engagement with citizens and stakeholders, and discussions with Member States, the European Parliament, the Council and other institutions and bodies, the Commission will provide orientations on possible changes to the economic governance framework. The objective remains to achieve a broad-based consensus on the way forward ahead of 2023. The full report is available here(For more information: Veerle Nuyts – Tel.: +32 229 96302; Andrea Masini - Tel.: +32 229 91519)


Publication date
28 March 2022