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Economy and Finance
  • News article
  • 26 March 2019
  • Brussels
  • 1 min read

EU-wide progress on tackling euro coin counterfeiting in 2018

Today, the European Commission publishes the 2018 data on the progress made in tackling counterfeiting of euro coins. As part of this duty, the European Technical & Scientific Centre within the European Commission closely monitors the evolution of...

Counterfeit euro coins detected in circulation, 2014 – 2018

Year 50 cent 1 euro 2 euro Total
2018 24 974 16 222 138 157 179 353
2017 27 939 17 723 115 249 160 914
2016 25 357 18 754 106 141 150 258
2015 25 146 20 022 101 709 146 889
2014 36 004 24 851 131 340 192 195

Counterfeit euro coins detected before circulation, 2014 – 2018

Year 50 cent 1 euro 2 euro Total
2018 545 54 136 735
2017 0 1 31 058 31 059
2016 39 041 0 38 043 77 084
2015 1 4 15 20
2014 1 38 690 263 279 301 970

The European Commission's policy with regard to anti-counterfeiting is based on four pillars: prevention, repression, training and cooperation. A combination of measures including legislation, technical analysis, law enforcement coordination and judicial cooperation have allowed Member States to make progress in removing counterfeit euro coins from circulation.

The Commission continues to cooperate with both the Member States and the credit institutions to facilitate and improve the implementation of Regulation (EU) No 1210/2010 on the authentication of euro coins and the handling of euro coins unfit for circulation. The positive results in countering counterfeiting also reflect the increased effectiveness in implementing this Regulation.


Under EU rules (Council Regulation (EC) No 1338/2001), the Commission is responsible for the European Technical & Scientific Centre (ETSC). The ETSC analyses and classifies new types of counterfeit euro coins. It is established within DG ECFIN.

National authorities and credit institutions are responsible for detection, authentication and withdrawal of euro coins unfit for circulation. Common rules and coordination at EU level ensure that national authorities combine their efforts to optimally prevent and suppress counterfeiting of euro coins. This process ensures that euro coins in circulation are genuine and fit.

The Commission cooperates closely with the European Central Bank, Europol, Interpol and the competent national authorities. The European Central Bank is responsible for analysing counterfeit euro banknotes. Europol and Interpol support the Member States’ law enforcement services in combating serious organised crime by facilitating the exchange of information and providing operational and strategic analysis.

The Commission is also responsible for implementing the "Pericles 2020" programme which provides training and technical assistance for competent national authorities to enable them to further improve the protection of euro banknotes and coins against counterfeiting. Building on the success of Pericles, in May 2018, the Commission proposed to continue the programme for the period 2021-2027, as part of the next Multiannual Financial Framework.

More information on anti-counterfeiting measures


Publication date
26 March 2019