Policy experiences show that strong national fiscal frameworks and institutions are important factors to increase national ownership, stabilise expectations, allow priority budgeting to support for example the green and digital transition, and to contain any deficit bias in fiscal policy making.
National fiscal frameworks are rules, regulations and procedures that influence how budgetary policy is planned, approved, carried out, monitored and evaluated.
Numerical fiscal rules are an important building block of national fiscal frameworks.
Independent fiscal institutions are an important element of national fiscal frameworks, as they promote transparency and accountability to the public, and can enhance compliance with national fiscal rules.
As budgetary planning and execution have implications beyond the fiscal year covered by the annual budget, ensuring a medium-term perspective for budgeting strengthens the predictability and sustainability of national fiscal frameworks.
This database, maintained by the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs, provides detailed information about the EU Member States' fiscal governance arrangements and their evolution from 1990 to date.