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Economy and Finance

Alert mechanism report

Aims and results of the alert mechanism report (AMR). AMRs and statistical annexes divided by year.

The alert mechanism report (AMR) is the starting point of the annual cycle of the macroeconomic imbalance procedure (MIP).

The AMR is a document issued by the European Commission towards the end of the calendar year, in conjunction with the annual growth survey. The AMR uses a scoreboard of selected indicators to screen EU countries for potential economic imbalances needing policy action.

The assessment also draws on other relevant economic and financial indicators not included in the scoreboard, and builds on existing analyses that are part of the MIP.

On this basis, the AMR identifies countries that need an in-depth review (IDR) by the Commission to assess how macroeconomic risks in the are evolving, and to determine the presence of imbalances or excessive imbalances.

2023 European Semester: Alert Mechanism report and statistical annex (22 November 2022)

2022 European Semester: Alert Mechanism report and statistical annex (24 November 2021)