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Economy and Finance

Closed procedures

ArticleName EDP stepDate
126(3)Commission report24.05.2023
126(3)Commission report23.05.2022
126(3)Commission report02.06.2021
126(3)Commission report20.05.2020
126(3)Commission report5.06.2019
2009 - 2018
126(12)Council decision abrogating the decision on the existence of an excessive deficit22.06.2018
 Commission recommendation for a Council decision abrogating the decision on the existence of an excessive deficit23.05.2018
 Report by the government of France on action taken (FR)16.11.2015
 Commission communication to the Council on action taken1.07.2015
 Commission staff working document - Analysis of the budgetary situation in France1.07.2015
 Report by the government of France on action taken (FR)10.06.2015
126(7)Council recommendation to end the excessive deficit situation - Corrigendum10.03.2015
126(7)Recommendation for a Council Recommendation with a view to bringing an end to the situation of an excessive government deficit in France - Staff working document27.02.2015
 Commission recommendation regarding measures to be taken by France in order to ensure a timely correction of its excessive deficit5.03.2014
 Council opinion on the Economic Partnership Programme10.12.2013
 Commission communication to the Council on action taken - Annex15.11.2013
 Commission proposal for Council opinion on Economic Partnership Programme15.11.2013
 Commission staff working document15.11.2013
 Commission communication to the Council on action taken15.11.2013
 Effective action report1.10.2013
 Economic Partnership Programme1.10.2013
126(7)Council recommendation to end the excessive deficit situation21.06.2013
126(7)Commission recommendation for a Council recommendation to end the excessive deficit situation29.05.2013
 Commission staff working document29.05.2013
 Commission communication to the Council on action taken15.06.2010
126(7)Council recommendation to end the excessive deficit situation2.12.2009
104(7)Commission recommendation for a Council recommendation to end the excessive deficit situation11.11.2009
104(6)Council decision on the existence of an excessive deficit27.04.2009 (*)
104(7)Council recommendation to end the excessive deficit situation27.04.2009 (*)
104(6)Commission recommendation for a Council decision on the existence of an excessive deficit24.03.2009
104(7)Commission recommendation for a Council recommendation to end the excessive deficit situation24.03.2009
104(5)Commission opinion on the existence of an excessive deficit24.03.2009
104(3)Commission report18.02.2009
(*) Political agreement 3/4.04.2009 (informal ECOFIN). Formal adoption 27.04.2009 (GAER).