Fiscal surveillance in Poland - European Commission Skip to main content
Economy and Finance

Fiscal surveillance in Poland

Assessments of Poland's convergence programme

As required by the stability and growth pact, each spring Poland submits a convergence programme which presents an update of the medium-term fiscal strategy.

Based on an assessment by the Commission prepared by DG ECFIN, the Council adopts an opinion on the programme and country-specific recommendations in the scope of the European Semester.

Euro area countries submit stability programmes while countries outside the euro area submit convergence programmes.

  • 23 MAY 2018
Assessment of the 2018 Convergence Programme for Poland
  • 23 MAY 2017
Assessment of the 2017 Convergence Programme for Poland
  • 26 MAY 2016
Assessment of the 2016 Convergence Programme for Poland
  • 27 MAY 2015
Assessment of the 2015 Convergence Programme for Poland

The EU Excessive Deficit Procedure and Poland