The Euro: A Global Currency - European Commission Skip to main content
Economy and Finance

The Euro: A Global Currency

The euro is the second most important currency in the world. Its strong international role can shield our economy and financial system from foreign exchange shocks, reduce reliance on other currencies and ensure lower costs for EU firms. 


The Euro: A Global Currency



The euro is the currency of 19 EU countries, over 340 million EU citizens and the second most important currency in the world. Boosting its global role will allow the European Union to better protect its citizens and businesses, uphold its values and promote its interests in shaping global affairs according to rule-based multilateralism.

The Euro: A Global Currency
The Euro: A Global Currency
The Euro: A Global Currency

Strengthening the international role of the euro will improve the resilience of the international financial system, providing market operators across the globe with additional choice and making the international economy less vulnerable to shocks linked to the strong reliance of many sectors on a single currency.

The Euro: A Global Currency

The European Union is taking steps to further boost the global relevance of the euro in order to reap all its benefits. With the new long-term budget and NextGenerationEU, we have the tools to support the recovery and transform our economies – in the process making the euro even more attractive for global investors.

The Euro: A Global Currency
