Cooperation forums - European Commission
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Cooperation forums

A list and description of the main cooperation forums and expert groups on anti-counterfeiting.

Euro Counterfeit Experts Group (ECEG)

The Euro Counterfeit Experts Group (ECEG) is a group of counterfeit experts that meet every three months to act as a Commission advisory committee on the coordination of anti-counterfeiting measures.

It brings together experts in various disciplines from EU countries, the European Central Bank, Europol and Interpol.

Counterfeit Coin Experts Group (CCEG)

The Counterfeit Coin Experts Group (CCEG) is managed and chaired by the European Technical and Scientific Centre (within the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs).

The CGEC helps coordinate national measures to protect euro coins against counterfeiting.

It brings together counterfeit coin experts from all EU countries, the ECB and Europol, with the purpose of implementing the technical arrangements for handling counterfeit euro coins agreed on by national economic ministers.

Inter-institutional Steering Group

The Inter-institutional Steering Group consists of representatives from the Commission/ECFIN, the ECB and Europol.

Their purpose is to direct and coordinate actions against counterfeiting at the European level.

Other working groups

ECFIN and the ETSC participate regularly in meetings of the following groups to inform them about ECFIN's anti-counterfeiting work:

  • The Mint Directors Working Group (MDWG), which brings together heads of national Mints in EU countries.
  • The International Mint Directors Conference (MDC), comprising of participants from official mints throughout the world and industrial observers. Within the MDC’s Technical Committee, ECFIN chairs the sub-committee on counterfeit and unfit coins.
  • The Euro Coin Sub-Committee (ECSC) of the Economic and Financial Committee, which brings together representatives from the national coin-issuing authorities in EU countries.
  • The ECB’s Counterfeit Working Group (CWG) concerning counterfeit banknotes. The ETSC contributes to this group through the improvement and testing of the Counterfeit Monitoring System (CMS) database, which is administered by the ECB.
  • Europol’s Forgery of Money Group. Through participation in this group the ETSC highlights issues relating to counterfeit coins and provides assistance for Europol and National Central Offices (NCOs).