The design features Skorba, a prehistoric temple located near the hamlet of Zebbiegh, in the
northwest of Malta. The complex consists of two temples built side by side. These were built on a much older settlement
remains of which were discovered outside the temple complex. Skorba lacks the monumentality of the other temples on
the Maltese islands. Nevertheless, the site is of utmost importance having enabled archaeologists to set Malta’s prehistoric
cultural sequence and establish that the islands were first inhabited at around 5 000 BC. The inscription ‘SKORBA
TEMPLES 3600-2500 BC’ appears at the top of the design. At the bottom are the name of the issuing country ‘MALTA’
and the year of issuance ‘2020’.
Subject of commemoration
Unesco World Heritage Site – pre-historic temples of Skorba
Date of issue
Issuing country
Coin image

Official Journal
Issuing volume