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Webinar on the economics of climate change: Towards a climate neutral economy - what role for economic policies?

Policy makers and economists are confronted with the challenge of accompanying the recovery from COVID-19 and creating the conditions for inclusive...

Webinar on the economics of climate change: Towards a climate neutral economy - what role for economic policies?
  • Thursday 25 March 2021, 13:30 (CET)
  • Online only
  • Live streaming available


  1. 25 Mar 2021, 13:30 - 13:35 (CET)


    Maarten Verwey, European Commission,  Director-General DG ECFIN

  2. 13:35 - 13:50 (CET)

    Opening speech

    Paolo Gentiloni, Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs

  3. 13:50 - 14:20 (CET)

    Key-note speech

    Lord Nicholas Stern, IG Patel Professor of Economics and Government, LSE and Chair of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment

  4. 14:20 - 15:35 (CET)

    Session 1: The cost of inaction on climate change

    Chair:  Clara De La Torre, European Commission, Deputy Director-General DG CLIMA

    Discussant: Frank Dentener, European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre

    Speaker 1: Marshall Burke, Stanford University

    Speaker 2: John Hassler,  University of Stockholm/IIES

    Speaker 3: Juan-Carlos Ciscar, European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre

    Speaker 4: Francesco Bosello, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change

    General discussion

  5. 15:35 - 15:50 (CET)


  6. 15:50 - 17:05 (CET)

    Session 2: Modelling mitigation

    Chair:  Åsa Johannesson Lindén, European Commission, DG ECFIN

    Discussant: Georg Zachmann, Bruegel

    Speaker 1: Jean Château, IMF 

    Speaker 2: Matthias Weitzel, European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre

    Speaker 3: Janos Varga, European Commission, DG ECFIN

    Speaker 4 : Benjamin Carton, IMF

    General discussion

  7. 17:05 - 18:05 (CET)

    Panel discussion: Macro-economics and climate action – what are the missing links?

    Chair: Géraldine Mahieu, European Commission, DG ECFIN, Director for Investment, growth and structural reforms

    Panel Introduction: Jean Pisani-Ferry, Sciences Po, Paris / EUI, Florence / Bruegel, Brussels / PIIE, Washington DC

    Panel Contributors:

    • Ian Parry, IMF
    • Christoph Böhringer, University of Oldenburg
    • Phoebe Koundouri, University of Athens
    • Tom van Ierland, European Commission, DG CLIMA
  8. 18:05 - 18:15 (CET)

    Closing session

    Géraldine Mahieu, European Commission, DG ECFIN, Director for Investment, growth and structural reforms

Practical information

Thursday 25 March 2021, 13:30 (CET)
Online only
