Moldova - European Commission
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Economy and Finance
  • 25 July 2024


The European Commission conducts regular analysis on macroeconomic and financial developments in Moldova and holds regular discussions with national authorities about economic policies.

Macro-financial assistance

Current MFA operation to Moldova

Following a request by the Republic of Moldova, the European Commission adopted on 4 January 2022 a proposal for a Macro-Financial Assistance (MFA) programme of up to EUR 150 million, out of which up to EUR 30 million would be provided in grants and up to EUR 120 million in medium-term loans at favourable financing conditions. The assistance is to be disbursed in three instalments and complements the country’s IMF programme, approved in December 2021.

The Decision providing macro-financial assistance to the Republic of Moldova was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council on 6 April 2022 and entered into force on 18 July 2022.

As part of the effort to help Moldova address its urgent financing needs in view of the significant impact of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine on Moldova’s economy and the ongoing energy crisis since October 2021, the Commission proposed in January 2023 to increase the Macro-financial Assistance operation for Moldova by EUR 145 million, of which EUR 100 million would be disbursed in loans on concessional terms and EUR 45 million in grants. The Decision was adopted by the European Parliament and Council on 14 June 2023 and thereby enhances the overall support provided through this MFA operation to EUR 295 million of which 75 million in grants. This assistance is to be disbursed in two additional instalments which will take place before the final instalment of the original MFA amount. The assistance is complementary to Moldova’s commitments under the programme agreed with the International Monetary Fund and World Bank as well as the EU budgetary support operations, the Association Agreement and the overall objectives of the EU-Moldova relations, further supporting Moldova on its European path.

In accordance with the amended Memorandum of Understanding which entered into force 5 September 2023 signed by the Commission, on behalf of the EU, and the Moldovan authorities, the MFA is to be provided in five instalments. All disbursements under the programme are tied to the political pre-conditions for MFA regarding the respect of democratic mechanisms, the rule of law and human rights, as well as to Moldova's track record under the IMF programme and the fulfilment of the specific policy conditions laid down in the Memorandum of Understanding. The policy conditionality focuses on public sector governance, the rule of law and fight against corruption, financial sector governance, energy sector reforms as well as improving the business climate. This is meant to strengthen the country’s resilience by addressing some of the root causes behind the problems in its balance of payment.  

  • 24 JANUARY 2023
Commission proposal on amending the amount of macro-financial assistance to the Republic of Moldova
  • 24 JANUARY 2023
Ex-ante evaluation statement
  • 26 JULY 2022
Memorandum of Understanding between the European Union and Moldova
  • 25 JULY 2023
Memorandum of Understanding between the European Union and Moldova - Addendum

MFA in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

On 22 April 2020, the Commission adopted a proposal for a €3 billion MFA package to ten enlargement and neighbourhood partners to help them limit the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic. The decision was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU on 25 May 2020. As part of this package, the EU agreed on a MFA programme of EUR 100 million to Moldova. The first instalment of EUR 50 million was disbursed on 25 November 2020. The second and last instalment was disbursed on 8 October 2021, thereby successfully completing the programme.

  • 29 SEPTEMBER 2020
Memorandum of Understanding between the European Union and Moldova

MFA to Moldova (2017-2020)

Following a request by the Republic of Moldova, the European Commission adopted on 13 January 2017 a proposal for a Macro-Financial Assistance (MFA) programme of up to EUR 100 million, out of which up to EUR 40 million would be provided in grants and up to EUR 60 million in medium-term loans at favourable financing conditions. The new assistance is to be disbursed in three instalments and to complement the country’s IMF programme, approved on 7 November 2016.

The Decision providing macro-financial assistance to the Republic of Moldova was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council on 13 September 2017 and entered into force on 23 September.

All disbursements under the programme are tied to the political pre-conditions for MFA regarding the respect of democratic mechanisms, the rule of law and human rights, as well as to Moldova's track record under the IMF programme and the fulfilment of the specific policy conditions laid down in the Memorandum of Understanding. On 24 November 2017, the Commission, on behalf of the EU, and the Moldovan authorities signed the Memorandum of Understanding, which includes measures in areas such as public governance, financial sector governance, energy sector reforms and tackling corruption. The first instalment of EUR 30 million was released in October 2019. The second instalment of EUR 30 million was released in July 2020. The third and final instalment of the programme was cancelled, as the availability period of the programme ended in July 2020.

MFA 2010-2012

A previous MFA to the Republic of Moldova, amounting to EUR 90 million, all in grants, was successfully disbursed in three tranches in December 2010, September 2011 and April 2012.

The links below provide additional information on EU-Moldova relations: