- Identification
- Discussion Paper 212
- Publication date
- 29 October 2024
- Authors
- Alessandro Turrini | Julien Guigue | Áron Kiss | Alexander Leodolter | Chrysa Leventi | Kristine Van Herck | Frank Neher | Fidel Picos | Mattia Ricci | Federica Lanterna | Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
This paper reviews issues related to tax expenditures in the EU and present some stylised facts related to tax expenditures in personal income taxation (PIT), value-added taxation (VAT), and corporate taxation.
- Fiscal and distributional impacts of two specific sets of tax expenditures are simulated.
- Tax expenditures in PIT that are covered by this study are estimated to represent 1.2% of GDP on average in EU countries.
- Reduced VAT rates represent about 1.1% of GDP on average in EU countries.
- Regular reporting, monitoring and assessment of tax expenditures is crucial.
Information and identifiers
Discussion Paper 212. October 2024. Brussels. PDF. 34pp. Tab. Graph. Bibliogr. Free.
KC-BD-23-029-EN-N (online)
ISBN 978-92-68-01830-9 (online)
ISSN 2443-8022 (online)
doi:10.2765/651221 (online)
JEL classification: H23, H24, H25.
European Economy Discussion Papers are written by the staff of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, or by experts working in association with them, to inform discussion on economic policy and to stimulate debate. The views expressed in this document are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of the European Commission.