Data in Ameco Online for the Autumn forecast 2024 has been updated
- To include missing forecasts for Spain (split of total government consumption into collective and individual) and Türkiye (Compensation of employees and related variables),
- To include missing forecasts for Purchasing Power Parities for Albania, Bosnia-Hercegovina and Serbia,
- To correct series for Türkiye (number of employees and self-employed),
- To include updated series for India and Korea (GDP).
Contents removed
- NECD (civilian employment, domestic), NECN (civilian employment, national) and NLCN (civilian labour force): Provision of these variables in chapter 1.2 has been stopped.
- FA17 (Euro area, 17 members), FA18 (Euro area, 18 members), FU12 (European Union, 12 members) and FU28 (European Union, 28 members): Provision of these aggregates – used only with indicators expressing a performance relative to another country aggregate – has been stopped.
- OVG0 Gross value added, volume, total of branches: Provision of forecasts for these series in chapters 12.8 – 12.10 has been stopped.
Contents added
- Two new series have been added to chapter 1.1: NPAN1 (population 15 to 74 years) and NPON1 (population 75 years and over)
- Two new series will be added to chapter 1.2: NLLN (Labour Force (national) from LFS, persons; total economy) and NELN (Employment (national) from LFS, persons; total economy)
- One new series will be added to chapter 16.1 (General government, revenue): UCTRG (Other current transfers received (D.7r))
Population and Employment
- population
- labour force statistics
- unemployment
- employment, persons (national accounts)
- employment, full-time equivalents (national accounts)
- self-employed, persons (national accounts)
- wage and salary earners, persons (national accounts)
- wage and salary earners, full-time equivalents (national accounts)
- private final consumption expenditure
- private final consumption expenditure per head of population
- actual individual final consumption of households
- consumer price index
- total final consumption expenditure of general government
- collective consumption expenditure of general government
- individual consumption expenditure of general government
- total consumption
Capital Formation and Saving, Total Economy And Sectors
- gross fixed capital formation, total economy
- gross fixed capital formation at current prices, sectors
- net fixed capital formation, total economy
- net fixed capital formation at current prices, sectors
- consumption of fixed capital, total economy
- consumption of fixed capital, general government
- gross fixed capital formation by type of goods at current prices
- gross fixed capital formation by type of goods at constant prices
- gross fixed capital formation by type of goods, price deflators
- change in inventories and net acquisition of valuables
- gross capital formation
- gross saving
- net saving
AMECO - Capital Formation and Saving, Total Economy And Sectors
Domestic and Final Demand
- domestic demand excluding change in inventories
- domestic demand including change in inventories
- final demand
- contributions to the change of the final demand deflator
AMECO - Domestic and Final Demand
National Income
- gross national income
- gross national income per head of population
- net national income
- national disposable income at current prices
- gross national disposable income per head of population
Domestic Product
- gross domestic product
- gross domestic product per head of population
- gross domestic product per person employed
- gross domestic product per hour worKed
- potential gross domestic product at constant prices
- trend gross domestic product at constant prices
- gdp at constant prices adJusted for the impact of terms of trade per head
- contributions to the change of gdp at constant marKet prices
- alternative definitions domestic product at current prices
- gross value added, total economy
Gross Domestic Product (Income Approach), Labour Costs
- compensation of employees
- operating surplus, total economy
- nominal compensation per employee, total economy
- real compensation per employee, total economy
- adjusted wage share
- nominal unit labour costs, total economy
- real unit labour costs, total economy
AMECO - Gross Domestic Product (Income Approach), Labour Costs
Capital Stock
- net capital stocK at constant prices, total economy
- factor productivity, total economy
- production factors substitution, total economy
- marginal efficiency of capital, total economy
Exports and Imports of Goods And Services, National Accounts
- exports of goods and services
- imports of goods and services
- exports of goods
- exports of services
- imports of goods
- imports of services
- terms of trade
AMECO - Exports and Imports of Goods And Services, National Accounts
Balances with the Rest Of The World, National Accounts
- balances with the rest of the world, national accounts
AMECO - Balances with the Rest Of The World, National Accounts
Foreign Trade
- foreign trade at current prices
- foreign trade shares in world trade
National Accounts by Branch Of Activity
- employment, persons
- employment, full-time equivalents
- wage and salary earners, persons
- wage and salary earners, full-time equivalents
- gross value added by main branch at current prices
- gross value added by main branch at current prices per person employed
- gross value added by main branch at current prices per employee
- gross value added by main branch at constant prices
- gross value added by main branch at constant prices per person employed
- gross value added by main branch at constant prices per employee
- price deflator gross value added by main branch
- compensation of employees by main branch
- nominal compensation by main branch per employee
- adjusted wage share by main branch
- nominal unit wage costs by main branch
- nominal unit labour costs by main branch
- real unit labour costs by main branch
- industrial production
AMECO - National Accounts by Branch Of Activity
Monetary Variables
- exchange rates and purchasing power parities
- interest rates
Corporations (S11 + S12)
- revenue
- expenditure
- balances
AMECO - Corporations (S11 + S12)
Households and Npish (S14 + S15)
- revenue
- expenditure
- balances
AMECO - Households and Npish (S14 + S15)
General Government (S13)
- revenue (ESA 2010)
- expenditure (ESA 2010)
- net lending (ESA 2010)
- excessive deficit procedure
AMECO - General Government (S13)
Cyclical Adjustment of Public Finance Variables
- based on potential gdp (ESA 2010)
- based on trend gdp (ESA 2010)
AMECO - Cyclical Adjustment of Public Finance Variables
Gross Public Debt
- based on ESA 2010
- based on ESA 2010 and former definition (linked series)