AMECO database - European Commission
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Economy and Finance

AMECO database

AMECO is the annual macro-economic database of the European Commission's Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs. The database is used for analysis and reports produced by the directorate general.


Last Update:    15 November 2024 - Autumn 2024 Economic Forecast
Next Update:   16 May 2025 (TBC) - Spring 2025 Economic Forecast


Autumn 2024 Economic Forecast: A gradual rebound in an adverse environment


The database contains data for the EU, the euro area, EU Member States, candidate countries and other OECD countries, for a total of over 40 countries. Data is organized in eighteen chapters, from population and employment via main national accounts aggregates such as gross domestic product to sector accounts and the cyclical adjustment of public finance variables.

To ensure that the Commission's analyses are verifiable and transparent to the public, AMECO data is made available free of charge.

Data can be accessed via:

Ameco Online

Zipped files (txt, csv, xlsx) of the current release

Zipped text files of earlier releases

  • 21 JANUARY 2025
Ameco Online list of variables
  • 4 APRIL 2022
Ameco online user manual


AMECO is updated with every full release of macro-economic forecasts by the Commission. In between the full forecast releases, AMECO is not updated. For results of the interim forecast exercises, please consult the Economic forecasts.

Until the autumn forecast 2020 release, on the occasion of an update, AMECO data was also packed in four documents that accompany the forecast release:

  1. The Statistical annex to European Economy, which gives long time series for a selection of important macro-economic variables, both by variable and by country. (NB: The data overlaps partially with the tables in the statistical annex included within the main forecast document.)

    General Government Data, which gives more detail on series from the general government sector, for size reasons split in two parts:

  2. Part I: Tables by country
    Part II: Tables by series
  3. Data on the cyclical adjustment of Budget Balances, which are important for fiscal surveillance.

Explanatory note

Time series

Data for Member States and candidate countries are based on the ESA 2010 system for the last period and on ESA 95 and ESA 79 for the earlier years. Data for other OECD countries are based on the SNA 2008.

Where appropriate, discontinuities of the levels of these series have been removed by applying the growth rates of the old series to the levels of the new series.

Data sources

The main data source is Eurostat (the Statistical Office of the European Commission), complemented, where necessary, by other appropriate national and international sources. Authoritative official statistics are available from Eurostat's online database, including the latest revisions to historical data.

Data in national currency for the euro area countries

Starting from 2002, euro area countries publish national series in EUR. National currency data for all years prior to the switch of the country to euro have been converted using the irrevocably fixed euro conversion rate. For presentation purposes, the currency denomination has changed, with the prefix EURO and the ISO code of the former currency (e.g. EURO-BEF for Belgium). This approach conserves the historical continuity of national series. However, cross country comparisons and aggregations should continue to be based only on historical series established in ECU up to 1998 and their statistical continuation in EUR from 1999 onwards. Exchange rates and purchasing power parities have also been converted in the same manner.


The Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs produces, under its own responsibility, short-term economic forecasts twice a year, in the Spring and in the Autumn. These forecasts are included in AMECO.

Reference metadata

Further information about the methodology and quality of the data included in the AMECO database is provided in the reference metadata document below.

  • 30 JANUARY 2025
Reference metadata AMECO


AMECO Archive

The AMECO archive contains the data of past vintages, as released with earlier forecasts.

Download all the zipped text files of previous AMECO vintages.



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For questions or feedback, please write to the following functional mailbox