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Economy and Finance

Anti-counterfeiting measures

Counterfeiting and security were major considerations in the process of the design of coins and banknotes. 

A EU-wide anti-counterfeiting strategy

Counterfeiting and security were major considerations in the process of the design of coins and banknotes. Overall levels of counterfeiting have been relatively low. However, because each country’s euro notes and coins — with distinctive designs — are legal tender across the euro area, common rules and coordination are needed to ensure that anti-counterfeiting measures are equally effective in all countries.

Four pillars

The European Commission's policy with regard to anti-counterfeiting is based on four pillars: prevention, repression, training and cooperation.

  • The EU legislation prevents the euro from being counterfeited through a system of information collection, designated national authorities for analysis, national central offices to coordinate investigations and through authentication measures applied by credit institutions and other cash handlers. The European Technical and Scientific Centre provides the national authorities with technical assistance, training and classifies new types of counterfeit coins.
  • Complementary, EU legislation, such as Directive 2014/62/EU seeks to repress euro counterfeiting through criminal law measures. National authorities are responsible for authentication, detection and withdrawal of euro coins unfit for circulation. Common rules and coordination at EU level ensures that national authorities combine their efforts to optimally prevent and suppress the counterfeit of euro coins. This process ensures that euro coins in circulation are genuine and fit.
  • The Pericles 2020 programme forms the training pillar by providing funds for staff exchanges, seminars, trainings and studies for law enforcement and judicial authorities, banks and others involved in preventing and combating euro-counterfeiting. DGECFIN works closely together with the European Central Bank (ECB) and Europol in achieving this mission. Cooperation forums such as the Counterfeit Coin Experts Group and the Euro Counterfeit
  • Experts Group seek to foster multidisciplinary and multilateral cooperation by bringing together experts in various disciplines from EU countries, the ECB, Europol and Interpol.



17 JUNE 2024
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee 17.10.203
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Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee 17.10.203, annex
31 MARCH 2023
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee 29.08.2022
31 MARCH 2023
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee 29.08.2022, annex
30 MARCH 2023
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee 18.10.2021
30 MARCH 2023
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee 18.10.2021, annex
30 MARCH 2023
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee 18.10.2020
30 MARCH 2023
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee 18.10.2020, annex
15 OCTOBER 2019
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee - 15.10.2019
15 OCTOBER 2019
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee - 15.10.2019, Annex
23 JANUARY 2019
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee - 23.01.2019
23 JANUARY 2019
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee - 23.01.2019 - Annex
6 APRIL 2018
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee, 12.10.2017
6 APRIL 2018
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee, annex, 12.10.2017
6 APRIL 2018
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee, 12.10.2016
6 APRIL 2018
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee, annex, 12.10.2016
Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and to the Council, 03.09.2014
14 OCTOBER 2015
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee - 14.10.2015
14 OCTOBER 2015
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee - 14.10.2015, Annex
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee - 19.09.2014
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee - 19.09.2014, Annex
20 MAY 2014
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee - 20.05.2014
20 MAY 2014
Report from the Commission to the Economic and Financial Committee - 20.05.2014, Annex