- Identification
- Any other series
- Publication date
- 1 March 2022
- Authors
- Carlo Carraro | Otilia Dhand | Barry Eichengreen | Melinda Mills | Hélène Rey | André Sapir | Daniela Schwarzer
Report of the High-Level Group convened by Commissioner for Economy Paolo Gentiloni on post-COVID economic and social challenges.
Information and identifiers
Series “any other”. March 2022. Brussels. PDF. 234pp. Tab. Graph. Bibliogr. Free.
KC-07-22-036-EN-N (online)
ISBN 978-92-76-47202-5 (online)
doi:10.2765/11297 (online)
JEL classification: H A3, E0, F0, F5, J0
This report presents the work of the High-Level Group convened by Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni to reflect on the post-COVID economic and social challenges.
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