Time series - European Commission
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Economy and Finance

Time series

Business and consumer survey database files in ZIP format.

Starting in July 2024, the update of the time series of the questions INDU⁠⁠⁠-⁠⁠⁠Q10, INDU⁠⁠⁠-⁠⁠⁠Q12, INDU⁠⁠⁠-⁠⁠⁠Q14, SERV⁠⁠⁠-⁠⁠⁠Q4, BUIL⁠⁠⁠-⁠⁠⁠Q6, CONS⁠⁠⁠-⁠⁠⁠Q10, and CONS⁠⁠⁠-⁠⁠⁠Q13 is suspended. More information about the conceptual and analytical background of this decision can be found in the Methodological note on suspended questions.

Those questions do not impact the computation of the confidence indicators or the ESI. 

Historic results up to June 2024 of the concerned time series can be downloaded from this collection

Main Indicators (ESI, EEI, sectoral CIs)

Seasonally Adjusted Data (total sector)        ZIP

Uncertainty indicators

Non-Seasonally Adjusted Data (total sector)ZIP

Labour Hoarding indicators

Non-Seasonally Adjusted Data (total sector)ZIP
Seasonally Adjusted Data (total sector)ZIP

Industry / Business Climate Indicator (BCI)

Seasonally Adjusted Data (total sector)ZIP
Non-Seasonally Adjusted Data (total sector)ZIP
Seasonally Adjusted Data (MIG)ZIP
Investment DataZIP

Services sector

Seasonally Adjusted Data (total sector)ZIP
Non-Seasonally Adjusted Data (total sector)ZIP
Investment DataZIP


Seasonally Adjusted Data (total sector)ZIP
Non-Seasonally Adjusted Data (total sector)ZIP
Qualitative and Quantitative Inflation perceptionsZIP

Retail trade

Seasonally Adjusted Data (total sector)ZIP
Non-Seasonally Adjusted Data (total sector)ZIP


Seasonally Adjusted Data (total sector)ZIP
Non-Seasonally Adjusted Data (total sector)ZIP

All surveys

Seasonally Adjusted DataZIP
Non-Seasonally Adjusted DataZIP

Detailed data by answer category (totals)

Non-Seasonally Adjusted DataZIP

Country weights: these are the country weights for all the surveys referred to in the methodological User Guide.

  • 19 FEBRUARY 2025
User Guide Country Weights

NACE classification

Note: Since May 2010, DG ECFIN publishes business survey data according to the new NACE rev.2 classification, which became compulsory for all statistics classified according to economic activities produced by the Commission or Member States (EC Regulation No 1893/2006). NACE (Nomenclature of Economic Activities) is the European statistical classification of economic activities.

Partner institutes in the Joint Harmonised Business and Consumer Surveys have been invited to provide DG ECFIN with long NACE rev.2 series. This has implied a process of back-casting to transform the historic NACE rev.1.1 series into NACE rev.2 series. The Commission has carried out an in-depth process of evaluation and statistical treatment of part of the back-cast series sent by partner institutes. This validation has covered the aggregate level (i.e. "total sector") and, in the case of the industry survey, the Main Industrial Grouping (MIG) level (i.e. consumer goods, intermediate goods, investment goods, etc). Methodological details related to the validation process are also available.

The results are NACE rev.2 series that are (i) continuous (i.e. without spurious breaks due to changes in nomenclature) and (ii) as long as possible. These consistent time series are accessible from DG ECFIN's validated database. Given that the financial services survey is not affected by the change to NACE rev.2, the database also contains subsector data for that survey. Moreover, it contains breakdowns of the consumer survey results with respect to respondents' age, occupation, income, etc. ('categories').

Subsector data

Subsector level data (i.e. the divisions of NACE rev.2 at the 2-digit level, e.g. "Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products") for the industry, services, retail trade, construction and investment surveys are available. As these series have not undergone a full validation process, their use and interpretation deserve more caution.


The investment survey has been archived on November 2021 and remains accessible here.

A third database contains archived time series (until April 2010); including i) the former NACE rev.1.1 business survey series; and ii) NACE rev.2 series at aggregate level, as originally provided by our partner institutes.

Press releases

Press releases