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Economy and Finance

National Productivity Boards

Role and mandate of National Productivity Boards

National Productivity Boards are independent institutions that help to analyse economic productivity and competitiveness developments and challenges. All euro area countries are invited to have such boards, while other EU countries are encouraged to do so.

The boards will carry out high quality economic and statistical analysis and make their results available in the public domain. In this way they make a valuable contribution to policy debates in their countries and encourage reforms aimed at achieving sustainable economic growth and convergence. National Productivity Boards may consult relevant stakeholders, though they are required to be objective and neutral.

The independent expertise of the boards and their annual reports can be used by governments and the Commission in the context of the annual policy monitoring process, i.e. the European Semester.


Potential economic growth in the euro area and in the EU as a whole has slowed considerably since the turn of the century. This trend is mainly due to a decline in total factor productivity growth but in recent years has also been affected by low investment.

Europe’s future economic growth prospects will increasingly depend on its ability to raise productivity. This requires well-balanced policies to support innovation, increase skills, reduce labour and product market rigidities and allow a better allocation of resources.

Legal basis

The Council of the European Union in September 2016 issued a Recommendation on the establishment of National Productivity Boards.

The recommendation was part of the European Commission's October 2015 package of measures giving substance to the so-called five presidents' report on the further development of the EU's economic and monetary union (EMU). It was endorsed by the European Council on 28 June 2016.

In your country

The recommendation by the Council to set-up National Productivity Boards is addressed to euro area member states. It also encourages other EU member states to set up similar bodies.

The table below contains links to the National Productivity Board for each country that has appointed one.

Non-euro area Member States

Role of the European Commission

According to the Council recommendation, the Commission could facilitate the exchange of views between the productivity boards of all participating Member States. There should also be a regular discussion between the productivity boards and the Economic Policy Committee, an advisory body to the Council and the Commission, involving also relevant experts from EU countries that do not have a Board.

The Commission can also provide technical assistance through the Structural Reform Support.


ECFIN-B2-NPBatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (ECFIN-B2-NPB[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)